
Morrowind's mod projects

Why the hell do i mod a game from ancient time *sigh* Well guess i really need new computer indeed...

From last month i started playing morrowind, again, after like 6 years, damn that's long.. By the way, i decided to create mod to improve my gameplay. So far i have created 2 working mods.

The first one was simple mod that gives my character magicka regeneration, there are some of similar mod out there already but it don't fit my taste since they have to complex calculation which i think not necessary, i put that mod here.

The second was taxes, pay taxes regularly or debt collector started to hunt my character down. There is a problem though, i can't avoid quite annoying hick up while the collector being spawn into the game, i still wondering how am i suppose to fix that. i put that mod here

These are my current project:

- Slave Companion, i guess i will use grumpy template just like others, but i want more master slave interaction and more.. you know.. explicit.. ROFLMAO Hmm.. i wonder if it can be as explicit as lover and legends mod without mwse.. And also if possible i will only use morrowind as master file requirement, no tribunal, etc, etc... not started yet though.. Maybe i should start to collect porn star photo to be used for head textures..

- Carry-able Tent, Actually this mod is already half done, i am just too lazy to create tent meshes and texture, currently uses ingame yurt model which i think really weird to bring such big tent along on my adventure.. I don't know if i ever finish this though. Maybe i will continue after i finish my companion project.