
Cyber Argon Neko is lazy cat who lives in cyber world

Who am i? no one.. ok next..

What the hell is cyber argon neko? well.. that's tough since it just my imaginary character.. It's little bit awkward to explain, the name "argon" is derived from the Greek word αργον meaning "lazy" or "the inactive one" and neko is japanese word for "cat". Lazy cat who lives on cyber world.. that's me.. See.. how smart is that? i combined 3 languages to create that name! well actually it was the silliest idea i ever have.. LOL

Why the hell you choose that name anyway? actually i wanted different name for my blog but it already taken, and tell you what.. the owner just abandoned it, since 2001, no post, just nothing, geez... So i stuck with this cybearn name, and you know what, since this "cybearn" name is very uncommon, of course, i can't imagine who is stupid enough to use that name anyway.. it helps me a lot when joining forum or whatever that required to sign up because no one taken that ID yet..

Ok, back again, i create this blog for personal purpose, especially to listen my collection of mp3 files while i am not at home, don't worry, you won't find any download button for those MP3 except you know what you are doing, if you know what i mean.. besides you may don't want them anyway since i lower its quality for connection reason...

In this blog i want to create what i want, as simple as i can since i really like simple thing.. even if some of it just re-post, it is valuable for me so i put it here, no stupid pop up, NO STUPID ADS, no stupid SEO thingy, no flaming visitors (i turned off the commenting feature heehee), nothing, just me and my collection, if you like it, fine, and if you don't, just leave already..

Hmm.. why did i write this long if no one gonna read it... Ah well, who cares..

Fiuh.. talking to myself made me feel a bit tired, think i will continue to do nothing... farewell.. nasvidenje.. ciao.. sayonara.. adios.. sampai jumpa lagi.. bbubye muah muah.. cap cus cin.. hyuukk...