
Easy Aces

This age old method for performing the classic four ace trick is still a fooler. This handling emphasizes the nonchalant attitude of the performer and the ease of action that should be conveyed to audience. THe handling is so clean that a speedy delivery is not necessary.

The easiest way to present this is to begin with the aces face down on top of a faced deck.
That is a deck which has been prepared by turning the bottom half face up.

if performing impromptu, run through a shuffled deck and remove the four aces. You will want to turn the bottom half of the deck face up so that the two halves are face to face. To do this, perform a half pass or use Ken Krenzel's Mechanical Reverse as you turn the deck face down.

Hold the faced deck in the left hand dealing position and hold the four aces in a face up fan with the right hand. Slowly flip the first three aces face down on top of the deck. Toss the final ace of to the left side of the table. At the same time, casually set the deck on the table, turning it over in the process. Without skipping a beat, take the top card of the tabled deck (an indifferent card) and toss it to the right of the face up ace. Toss the next two cards from the top of the deck to the right of the first two.

Now continue to deal cards from the top of the tabled deck with the right fingers. If standing, i usually put my left hand in my pocket as i deal in a relaxed manner. Deal about three cards on top of each of the three face down cards. It doesn't matter if you don't make perfect piles. In fact, it adds to the effect if you deal sloppily.

Ask the spectator to cover the last ace. As you're talking, reach over twith your right hand and turn the ace face down. At the same time, pick up the deck with the palm down left hand and secretly turn it over as the hand casually turns face up. Now thumb the top three cards (the aces) onto the face down ace. Then allow him to cover the pile with his hand.

Turn the twelve indifferent cards over as if you are searching for the aces. Act surprised that they are gone and ask your helper if his ace has vanished as well. While he is turning up aces, place the deck on to the pile of face up discards. Later you can spread through the deck to the point where face to face cards meet and right the deck without suspicion.